JHA Publications

Daniell W, Gould, L, Cummings BJ, Childers J, Lenhart A. Health Impact Assessment: Proposed Cleanup Plan for the Lower Duwamish Waterway Superfund Site; Final Report. Seattle, Washington: University of Washington, Just Health Action, and Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition/Technical Advisory Group. September 2013.  Click here for the final report and all the associated technical reports on the University of Washington website.

Gould, L. & Cummings, BJ. (2013) Duwamish Valley Cumulative Health Impacts Analysis: Seattle, Washington. Just Health Action and Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition.

Poster – Duwamish Valley Cumulative Health Impacts Analysis: Using Science to Influence Decision Making in Seattle, WA. 

Gould, L.,  Mogford, E., & Devoght, A. (2010) Successes and Challenges of Teaching the Social Determinants of Health in Secondary Schools: Case Examples in Seattle, Washington. Health Promotion Practice, 11(3), Suppl, p.26S-33S DOI: 10.1177/1524839909360172 (View publication online)

Mogford, E., Gould, L., & Devoght, A. (2010) Teaching critical health literacy as a means to action on the social determinants of health. Health Promotion International, Health Promot Int. 2011 Mar;26(1):4-13. doi: 10.1093/heapro/daq049. Epub 2010 Aug 20. PMID: 20729240

Gould, L., Huang, J., Mogford, E., Barnes, J., Brombach, M.  (2010) How racism is embodied: A new health advocacy curriculum.  Poverty Race Research Action Council Newsletter,   19(15) 15-16.

Poster: What is Environmental Justice?  The Duwamish River Superfund Site. (2010). Just Health Action, Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition, University of Washington Superfund Research Program.